2008年南韓水產品出口增加由韓國國家統計部(NSO)近日公佈,2008年漁獲總產量為337萬公噸,產值高達6.4兆韓元,並分別較2007年大幅成長2.7%與10.8%之數據顯示,韓國消費者因對進口水產品永慶房屋衛生存有疑慮,轉而消費國內自行捕獲的水產品,導致國內水產品零售價上揚;再加上因韓幣兌美元貶值,導致外國進口以韓元計價的深水(deep-water)魚價格上揚,造成去年水產品產值成長遠高面膜於產量,有助於韓國2008年漁業大發利市。另牡蠣與其他魚種卸魚量衰退,鯷魚(anchovies)、鯖魚(mackerel)、蟹與烏賊的卸魚量仍持續走高。沿海漁業的總漁獲量高達129萬公噸,遠洋漁業則有巢氏房屋為66.5萬公噸。(摘譯自Infofish Trade News NO.4/2009,2 March 2009)SOUTH KOREA FISHERY CATCH UP IN 2008Recent data released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) shows 宜蘭民宿fish catches of 3.37 million MT last year, up2.7% from 2007. The total catch was worth 6.4 trillion won, up 10.8% from 2007 indicating that more people areconsuming 婚禮佈置domestically caught fish due to health concerns surrounding imported products, resulting in higher retailfish prices here.Landings of anchovies, mackerel, crab and squid 襯衫were higher while that of oysters and other fish species declined.Catches from coastal areas totalled 1.29 million MT, while deepsea fishery contributed 665 000 MT.According 宜蘭民宿to sources from the NSO, the production value of fish rose at a faster pace last year than the productionvolume, as the weakened local currency against the dollar raised the 21世紀房屋仲介value of the foreign sales of deep-water fish inwon terms.The fishing industry also generated higher income in 2008, with local consumers preferring locally caught fishwhile 汽車貸款they were concerned about the sanitary conditions of imported fish.

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